So I turned 27, Its pretty funny how two years ago on my 25th Birthday I was in a completely different place emotionally than I am now. At 25 I was feeling like a failure. I had planned (ahhh those plans)to already have a house, be married, a mother, have a career etc. Where was I? working customer service living in a rented basement suite watching as it seemed everyone else in life was having those milestone moments. As happy as I was for everyone, believe me I was!!. I couldn't help but feel a bit of envy and almost like I was being left behind. The whole world seemed to be moving forward and while I wasn't doing badly I felt like I was at a stand still.
Today I have a house, I'm engaged to the man of my dreams who also happens to be my best friend, I have a beautiful baby girl, two sweet little dogs and I have to say I'm truly happy. The funny thing is life stayed at a slow pace until about July of last year, changes started to happen fast and furious from the time we bought our car last year. July- new car, August- vacation home to visit loved ones, August/Sept- discovered we were pregnant, December- bought a house, Feb- got engaged, May- had a baby. Nothing happened when and how I thought it would but it did eventually happen. Life doesn't stay stagnant forever, it tends to happen to you while you live it. What have I learned in the last two years, I have learned that plans and goals are always nice to have but they are not made of cement they have to have room to move and shift or else they will crack and split apart and leave you frustrated.
What did I do for my birthday this year?. We wanted to drive up to Inverness beach but about halfway there (its about a 4 hour drive) the baby started to get a bit fussy so we opted to go check out Baddeck instead, we have been in Nova Scotia for 3 three years and we had never been there before. So we walked about with the dogs and baby, watching sailboats and checking out gift shops, the weather was beautiful we had some ice cream and pizza for lunch~in that order and made our way back home.
We rested for awhile around the house, then we packed up the baby and the puppies and went down to the drive in theater to see Shrek 4 and Karate Kid. Best idea EVER for people with babies and baby dogs!!. It only cost $15.00 per carload, the sound doest have to be too loud you have privacy to breastfeed the baby during the show. You don't have to worry about being the douche bag with the screaming baby ruining everyone Else's movie. You can bring your own food, we had Wendy's and brought our own chips and candy. It had been almost a full decade since the last time I had been to a drive in theater (wow that was an old lady thing to say) , I can guarantee this will be something we do frequently over the summer. I had a great time and I know the whole family did as well (especially the dogs! as they spent the entire day with us no staying at home while we went out).
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