Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sea Kittens!!!

Sea Kittens!!! I love it!!! What a cute add campaign, just in time for this years personal battle to cut fish from my food chain.

Create Your Own Sea Kitten at!

This is madness......THIS IS WINTER!!!!! (sparta style)

So I apologise for the lack of posting has been slow and mainly uneventful. I have been itching to create something, but what to create? I am having trouble committing to an idea. So I have been finishing up odds and ends of other projects left in various states of completion all over the house.

I have decided recently the plan is to watch shows I have been meaning to give a try, so marathon runs of full seasons have been my recent hobby. I have managed to get through the first four seasons of 'The Office' and the first few episodes of season five... in two days...woot. Sad for my social life but I have to say it is now one of my favourite shows. I also managed to get through the first seasons of 'Weeds','Moonlight' and halfway through season one of '24'. All this within the last two and half weeks......have I mentioned how much I hate winter?.

I have been going slowly crazy in the closed quarters of a messy basement suite, I normally enjoy taking the dogs for walks but it is too cold for both me and the dogs now. Last winter we were in the upstairs suite with a better amount of natural light and space so I don't remember feeling so confined but this year I'm slowly ticking away the days until the warmth returns to the outside world. Each time I step out from the dark basement I feel like a Morlock or Vampire shielding my eyes from the sun as it burns my retina. I am also really missing my bathtub, nothing is better than a nice hot soak on a cold night and all I have is a crappy stand alone shower that forces me to perform Cirque Du Soleil style acrobatics if I want to shave my legs....not pleasant.

Last night I trimmed my bangs and decided to cut a strip of my hair free to add to my style, that strip of hair became my new source of entertainment for the night(fully illustrating the depths of boredom I have been experiencing). I waited for the boyfriend to get on the phone and pasted it to my head creating a pretty convincing uni brow to distract his phone call...success. Later that night I decided the best plan would be to turn my 'girl part' into a fun joke, I shaved myself smooth and gave my 'bits' a moustache with the hair strip, I then proceeded to tape down some eyes and angry eyebrows and flash the boyfriend I laughed so hard I almost started to cry..... Apparently I found this more entertaining than he did......maybe its time to plan an evening out.....

On top of that I cant help but have Gowan's "Moonlight desires" stuck in my head, therefore I have been playing it on repeat in an attempt to get it out.. ultimately driving the boyfriend slowly mad as well. That has been a boring and delightfully inappropriate update from me this week, lets hope my next update is chalk full of something entertaining.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tonight I drink wine!

I did not create a new human life form this month as the Bloody Baron has decided to grace me with his presence. Therefore I can now thoroughly enjoy the unopened bottle of wine (sitting in the fridge) I forgot to finish before last months baby making attempts. So this is still a winning situation for January.

I'm not going to be one of those women who gets all worked up each month I'm not carrying a bundle of fun in me. Instead each month the Baron comes to visit I will enjoy my week by toasting him with a nice big glass of red wine while I am still able to enjoy it.

On another positive note this still gives me some time to try to lose about ten pounds to avoid getting too large when I am pregnant. After this weeks indulgences it will be back to alcoholic abstinence and round two of trying :)!.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Barack Obama

So I have yet to jump on the "woot, woot" Barack Obama train. I am so glad that in my lifetime I am able to see a black president!. It speaks volumes on how society is slowly making positive changes. But I refuse to treat him like an American messiah come to save the world from economic turmoil etc. etc.

He may not be Bush but lets give him a chance to really earn our trust and respect through his actions rather than his campaign speeches because lets face it a politician's word is meaningless its his/her actions that are the true test of character.

Anyhow, as I was saying I am pretty much indifferent to the whole Barack Obama thing which makes last nights dream very strange. I had a dream that Barack Obama was my long lost father and he was really excited to give me away at my wedding. I woke up and started to laugh.....bizarre...Im not even sure on what subconscious level my mind thought that was something to bring up...hahahaha